Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Team B: Day 5 - Street Magic @ Shibuya!

Team B went to Shibuya to do Starbucks ministry... we went to the starbucks next to the famous shibuya crossing. each of us bought a cup of coffee and settled down at 2 tables. apparently... we experienced some cultural shock. starbucks in tokyo are so different with starbucks in singapore. the max no. of people gathered around a coffee table is 3 persons. starbucks are soOooooooo quiet! people hardly talk. and i suppose we are the loudest group there, trying to do some magic tricks to attract attention. hahaha... but we failed, everyone is doing their own thing. no one looks at us! except the starbucks staff that told us we cant take photo in starbucks (so people, if u go starbucks in tokyo.. do not take photos there.. err.. but we did!).

Of course! God has already planned greater things for us. Far more then we can imagine or asked for. After 30mins in starbucks. Ps Jimmy was challenged by God to go to the streets to share MOL.

"WHAT??!! go to the streets?? perform magic that we only learnt yesterday to stranger?? We cant speak japanese!"

Well... many of us had to step out of our own comfort zone to promote MOL. We prayed in the middle of Shibuya for boldness and courage.. and we went!
We moved out in team of 2s and 3...
- Aunna & Chia HUi
- Chee Chiong, Kian Boon & Kaiyun
- Nirelle & Jerome

Starting the conversation was the hardest as we do not know their language and were uncomfortable talking to strangers. But we did it anyway. before long, the one-day old magicians show-case their tricks and the youths there were so facinated. then we tell them more about MOL... good way of creating awareness.

We just had our debrief and all of us are so glad we did it anyway, despite all the barriers. Its a good learning experience for all of us, walk out of our comfort zone to serve this nation.

Headed to Shinjuku Shalom Church, at Shinjuku of coz. Duh!

Ps Shingo is our latest magician! he is a super fast learner, showed him the trick once, n he can do it already. *clap clap* Thanks for bringing us to yummy ramen lunch and the christian bookshop. we really appreciate it. arigato!

MOL rocks!!!

Zzzzzzzzzzz... -kaiyun-


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